I’m still not sold.

For the most part, all of these entirely flash based sites do not impress me.With the exception of a very few they all look quite the same.The same can be said for a lot of CSS based websites,I know.But at least I can read the text in these sites.Perhaps I am just not used to the flow of a flash layout after being so comfortable with the “holy grail” of a css layout.
And it does seem like a lot of flash designers dearly love the scrolling text box with a very small font for the text.
I was just at one a minute ago squinting at the tiny print and thinking am I so old because I am getting a headache reading this crap I have no interest in!

And I also thought that the purpose or message of any website ought to be easy to understand for a visitor of any level of web-competance.The message should be aided by your design,not hindered by it. It isn’t about the website! Nobody cares if you can make a movie out of your page, if I can’t read it I am gone. Which is exactly why I am here right now not browsing the site that inspired this post.

With all of the web gadgetry at out disposal the issue still comes down to usability.Usability over design, form following function.I would not think any less of a designer if their links did not spin around in a circle so that I had to chase them with my cursor in order to click on them. Neither would I sneer at a simple page with a layout so clear and crisp and readable where nothing flew about or twitched when my mouse ran over it.
What is the point of making use of a scripting language? Shouldn’t it be done because it will do something that another well known language can’t do? I am totally sold on the idea of a flash slideshow and picture gallery for instance.But the truth is the same effect can be had with javascript.Smoothgallery by jondesign.net, for instance impresses the hell out of me.And I found it far easier to integrate into a new site than to embed a movie. I am not as anti flash as I was once…but I am still as anti bells and whistles for bells and whistles sake.