What to do when you can’t work on your webproject?

I had to decide this for myself last night because Dreamhost(those lovely bastards) had taken everyone down during a cluster migration.That’s technical talk for you’re screwed until it’s over.
Hopping on over to the forum for Dreamhost I saw many fruitless bitch and moan comments that followed the announcement.This is the web equivilant to honking one’s horn in a traffic jam.You can’t do anything about it so you lean on your horn so everyone else around you will hate you.
Apparently Dreamhost had warned everyone 2 weeks earlier that this downtime would take place….but no one read the email and now they were pissed. I hadn’t read the email,either because I am not this account’s exec admin and I’ve asked several times to have the login for the web panel but so far no luck.

I get such emails from (mt) all the time,emails warning you of site maintance related downtimes area good thing.
Reading bitch n moan comments in the Dreamhost forum didn’t provide much solace or entertainment.I had to find something else to do with my time on a friday night @1am besides sleep, because sleeping is for weenies.
Some helpful person wrote in a comment that you didn’t have a life if having your site taken down wrecked your friday night…But I’m old and shacked up with a homebody and going out is a rarity for us and even if we had gone out we would’ve been home by 1 am anyway!
I know there should be lots of other things to do in a situation like this but all I did was watch TV and have sex.