I was talking to a friend who was into computers way back when most of us didn’t know what to do with them, who told me he had made a few websites,one devoted to his cat Wokbait,with Dreamweaver. I told him I just use Notepad and he exclaimed you know how to code HTML and CSS?!?! I said yup, I learned the old school way. Which is how I know how stuff works. Well he was impressed. I keep seeing ads for jobs stating that the use of big design software like Dreamweaver is a requirement for the position. Not just use, proficiency. I always wonder what the difference is: if I know how to do what Dreamweaver will do for me by myself, does that mean I am proficient? No, because I am not proficient with using Dreamweaver to design websites.
Anyway, even if I can code by hand I am sure there are things Dreamweaver can do that I can’t. I just haven’t seemed to need it’s help so far. Also I’m not as against this kind of helper program as I used to be because a lot of people who do know how to handcode use it just to make their work faster.