WP SEO PLUGINS – WP-E-Commerce – Unique Page Titles


There’s been a lot of fuss over plugins for SEO – of course many people love All In One SEO Pack, that is not news. But there are lots of other plugins that say they do what AIOSEOP does and better. Is this true? Try them out for yourself. You might like one better than another. One may do what you want better.

I don’t dis or back a plugin that I have not tried merely out of some sense of loyalty to someone I don’t know and have never even seen in person. I am unaffiliated financially with any other group or service. When I endorse a plugin it means I have tried it and it’s competitors out and the one I endorse does what I need it to do.

With all the hubbledy-doo and the hoo-ha churned out about about Google and Page Rank sculpting and being suspected of being a freaky spammer (bad) you might get the feeling that any minute you could be penalized for doing something wrong when you didn’t know it was wrong. I say please calm down. If you are not spamming,scraping or other bad things and are maintaining and updating your site with your own content in a timely, informative, natural and kindly manner, you don’t need to freak out. Google and other search engines might be a set of ever changing algorithms but behind those algorithms are real people.

See, it isn’t just how much cleverer you are than your competitor it is really about your content, how much of it there is, how often you make new content and how many people search for and find your content. Yeah, you can make mistakes and ruin your breakout links and etc. But you can recover from mistakes, too.

The bottom line is SEO used properly is for helping you and your content get the audience you deserve.

In my opinion Headspace2 is possibly a bit too much for the layperson to handle. It slowed down my test site to a crawl.
It took over and did not let me deactivate unactivated plugins that were already deactivated. Make sense? Nope.
It made me do crazy stuff like try to use an unactivated plugin on certain pages or posts. It made me think I could rule the world.
In fact because of its taking over and causing a ruckus I had to start over with a fresh install.
My advice: take a few days to try this plugin out on a test site. Get to know it.
I don’t think a noobie should install it on a production site and you should never install this plugin without backing up your database.

Platinum SEO Pack

All In One SEO Pack
Lately it has been slightly inconsistent. The newest versions do not produce unique page titles for the single product pages in wp-e-commerce.
The last known stable version that did is (warning, this is a download link:


The long and the short of it: there are a lot of SEO plugins for WordPress. Some are good and some are ok. Some are just copies of others. But only one delivers unique page titles for wp-e-commerce single product pages. And the newest news is you no longer have to edit your header.php to replace the title tag code. Whatever you’ve got will be rewritten by AIOSEOP, anyway.


I am not saying anything bad about AIOSEOP! I am saying it is the best WP SEO PLUGIN available.
There. Now that can’t be misunderstood. I hope.

No More Support For Fake Grid View For WP-E-Commerce!

grid view is a cruel mistressGuys, its been fun but WP-E-Commerce 3.7+ is just so different from 3.6 and the file I used to be able to hack to fake Grid View has been made kinda obsolete in 3.7. So unless you are willing to seriously hack your shop theme’s template files ( I know, it is so much fun! ) and learn how to float boxes with handydandy CSS, you should just buy the Gold Cart from Instinct. It’s a mere 40.00 dollars and a whole lot less headache (plus a lot cheaper than hiring me to do it for you, which I should not say). But the main thing is the shopping cart plugin is evolving and getting better with each release and I would never encourage anybody to stick with an older version just to keep a few dirty hacks.

Of course I will be writing posts to help anyone who wants to learn how to hack the products page like I did here to fake the Grid. I’ll also keep the old file up for downloading in case you really can’t afford 40.00 and need the Grid. Just remember it only works on the 3.6 series.

How To Add Introductory Paragraph Text To The Front Page Of The WP-Ecommerce Shop

And have it show only on the front page of the shop?

A client of mine asked if I could add an introductory/greeting kind of message to show to people looking at the front page of his online store. Sure thing, I said and I put it right in and went on my way thinking that was that. Later I realised that this blurb showed up everywhere on the shop. This is because the page with [ productspage ] in it is the same page for all the product pages. All full product lists and single product views get displayed with one little shortcode.

You also can’t put the paragraphs into the page template file for this page, or put it in a new file in the theme folder and include it in the page template because (again) that page runs the whole show. Back to square one. You could delve into the functions and make an “if on this page do this” statement (and for all you folks who can pull PHP out of their noses,congratulations) but I have always been more of a shove code around kind of person. So what I did was I found the line (line number 44) in the grid_display_functions.php file that displays the div that wraps the cart pages.

So after

[php]$output .= "<div class=’productdisplay $category_nice_name’>\n\r";[/php]

I added

[php]$output .="<div class=’blurbs’>my intro text</div>";[/php]

If you don’t have grid view you can still add an introductory blurb or welcome text or whatever to product_display_functions.php which is the file in charge of displaying the product list. Find line 333 (or find the first line in the file that writes the wrapper div for the shop pages) which is

[php]$output .= "<div class=’productdisplay default_product_display product_view_{$product[‘id’]} {$category_nice_name}’>";
//After line @ #333 add
$output .="<div class=’blurbs’>my intro text</div>";[/php]

Avoiding fatal error messages
Don’t use full quotes ” “ Normally you’d write

[html]<div class="code">[/html]

but you can’t because PHP is strict about that. Use single quotes instead

[html]<div class=’code’>[/html]

and escape your HTML Characters to be on the safe side. Example: an apostrophe is


So write


instead of don’t.

What About Upgrading?
Because you are adding to the file and not directly editing any code it will be easy to simply add it back in after the next upgrade. I keep a folder full of my changed plugin files so I can refer to them, grab the code and add it back, fast.

Google results: Results 1 – 10 of about 244,000,000 for welcome to my store.
Apart from the benefit of being able to introduce people to your products is it adds SEO to your shop page. Search engines love text with tasty keywords – so will you when you see your shop page climbing higher in the SERPs. Use well placed keywords in natural sentences that best describe your products or the overall message behind your products.So take care with the intro paragraph(s), don’t just say Welcome to my store that’s not only boring – it’s not going to help you in the SERPs. Most people are not searching for things to buy online or locally with the search terms welcome to my store.

shortcode = code in square brackets that can be inserted into a WordPress Page that includes a plugin in that page.
SEO = search engine optimization, sort of self explanatory.
SERPs = search engine result page(s).Also self explanatory.

Changed homepage_product_functions.php For WP Shopping Cart plugin 3.6.12

example of 3 product categories in one page
example of 3 product categories in one page

When I was checking the file I noticed a few minor mistakes and un-needed HTML. I also wanted to show an example image from my shop which is installed on this website but is not in production,yet. The example image shows that I have inserted 3 product categories into a WordPress Page. This is not the default WPSC Products_Page but a new page I made just for this purpose. The products are displayed as if I had Grid View even though I deleted my Gold Cart files when I last upgraded to wpsc version 3.6.12 and never had Grid View installed on this server.

Changes to version 5 of my homepage_products_functions.php:
Removed div.goddamn
Replaced class=”product_image” with class=”center”
Removed div.clear
Removed a division id that would render pages invalid

Download the changed file here

[download id=”3″]

/* Adjust for your product images w+h & if using variations and want them visible in the product box*/
.homepage_products .category_view_product{position:relative;width:200px;height:205px;float:left;margin:8px 3px; text-align:center;}

/* styles the product title I’ve left it blank*/
.homepage_products a.wpsc_product_title{}

/* centers the product thumbnail image*/
.homepage_products .center{padding:4px;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;display:block}

/*styles the product price-I’ve left this blank*/


In case anybody cares I am not providing this file as a way to rob the plugin authors. The changes I have made to the file do not give you anything but a product thumbnail image that links to the single product page instead of to a thickbox pop up image. Buying the Gold Cart allows you to have more payment gateways,multiple product images and other great stuff.

The rest is all simple CSS and not using “full display” when inserting a wpsc category id into a Page or Post.

I myself have purchased the Gold Cart and have encouraged all my clients to purchase it as well. I fully support the WP-Ecommerce plugin authors. I began working on this file as a way to perfect SEO for shopping cart pages because being able to use one’s own WordPress Pages along with the venerable All In One SEO Pack plugin vastly improved the SEO for my client’s carts. Not to mention the fact that if they have Grid View they ought to be able to have Grid View site-wide not just on the plugin’s pages.